7 Ways To Get People To Like Your Facebook Page

I know you! You are sick of the constant attack from anyone with anything to sell! You are sick of the "buy this" "follow this" "get endless emails about this" attitude that everyone in the marketing world seems to have toward you. Sometimes we forget though, that they are talking to real people, with real lives, who really get irritated with the same old song and dance. These real people want real concrete reasons to follow you! You have to give them so much evidence that they can't live without liking your Facebook page that they have to click the like button!

#1 Snooping Rights:


People love to snoop! Give them a place where they can snoop all they want without getting into trouble! This is a great incentive to get people to like your page! I would say something like "Ever know something that no one else knows yet? You get that giddy feeling in your tummy and you have that goofy grin plastered on your face. A daily visit to our Facebook page will give you updates on news about the Russian River, what new shops or restaurants are opening and more importantly what people are SAYING about them. Catch up on all the latest gossip and find out what is going on in town by checking our Facebook page #RussianRiverLiving daily! We make a point to chat with the other locals and get the 411 on what is going on and let you know ASAP so you have the knowledge first!"

Know it all

#2  Be A Know It All:

Give them the information they need to know to show their friends how smart they are! Outline important information.Whether or not you have ever invested in real estate, I think we can all agree that it is a very complex subject with many different elements. There are things like buying and managing a vacation rental, the inner workings of the title company, what being in escrow really means, the truth about Trulia and Zillow, and all the insurance you can imagine and why you need to have it...or don't need to have it, how to list your home, when to list your home, and why you need an agent...after all what are they really doing for you! Discuss all of these topics discussed in detail on your page allowing them to have the knowledge they need to sound very intelligent and professional when they are discussing these topics with others.

#3 Your Boss Is A Jerk:


Do you have one of those jobs where the stress is high, the work load is overwhelming, and your boss can be quite a jerk when he/she is having an off day...or perhaps everyday? Well, taking a few minutes on our Facebook everyday watching the peaceful videos of a place where you want to move will help you to relax. Make sure that you are posting fun interesting videos that have nothing to do with real estate and share art from extraordinary local photographers who capture the beauty of you area daily and give us all a reason to smile!

#4 Get The Giggles:


People love to laugh! Give them a reason to laugh. "Hey We Are Funny! Well...at least we think we are funny! Just kidding we are hilarious...not sold? Need a laugh? We post funny quotations, pictures, and videos that will brighten your day and have you rolling on the floor...do you? Laughter has been said to decrease depression, improve blood pressure and is great for your overall health so make sure to get your daily dose of the giggles! You and your doctor will be glad you did!" This is a great concrete reason that people should follow your page! Post things that are funny that will help them to want to like your page!

#5 Put In Your 2 Cents:


Let those who are following you know that their opinions matter! Everyone in the world has opinions but not everyone has the chance to share them. Say something to the effect of  "I absolutely LOVE hearing your opinions! When I go on Facebook and there are comments on a post it makes my day! But I am not the only person there either. #RussianRiverLiving has over 1700 followers and each one of them has an opinion as well. Visit our page to discuss local shops, what food is good in town, what events are coming up, which properties are on the market and which ones sold...and home much they sold for! Tell us what you think about the site and what you would like to see more of or less of and we will post more of what you want to see!" This will endear more people to your page because they are getting what they want when they get there!

#6 Avoid Awkward Silence:


Ever sat down at the dinner table with the family or found yourself surrounded by friends and there is this uneasy silence there because no one really knows what to say? I will be the first to admit that a little peace and quiet can be nice but sometimes the silence can be awkward! Give your followers a fun fact or a bit of news from the area that they can bring up and discuss in those situations to avoid sitting in uncomfortable silence. I like to make sure everything from cute pics to real news is posted on #RussianRiverLiving so everyone has the chance to learn something new and share it with friends and family.

#7 Hit The Road Jack:

hit the road

Highlight your area and encourage people to come and visit! This is a great way to not only get people to follow you but to also turn those followers into leads! Tell them something like this "So you are going about your life working, cooking, cleaning, driving the kids to school, picking them up, racing from here to there all day long and thinking everyday "I need a vacation" Well maybe it is time that you take one! Maybe you are having trouble convincing your significant other that it is time to get away...use our Facebook page and show them the videos of the tranquil Austin Creek, or the fun that they could have relaxing in the Russian River. Once you are ready to go #RussianRiverLiving can help you plan out your vacation with all the great things to do and see and all the best shops and restaurants!"

Hope that these awesome tips have helped you get more likes on your Facebook Page. If you have any feedback please let us know what it is so that we can improve our page and show you what you want to see by posting in the comments below! For information about real estate call or text 707-217-1786 today!