3 Alarm Grill Spices Up The Guerneville Community
I met with Kerri Griffiths the manager of the 3 Alarm Grill that is Opening this Friday to spice up the Guerneville Community! She is a strong woman with an easy and happy demeanor that makes you feel comfortable the minute you meet her. As the old buildings in the area are going through renovations a feeling of excitement is sweeping through Guerneville. "Nothing but good things are happening here in Guerneville," says Kerri.Why This?...Why Now?...Why Here?
Chuck Limbert and John Stephens are esteemed members of the San Francisco Police Department. They Invested in Guerneville Real Estate and bought a Vacation home here on the Russian River and they have been Vacationing here for the last ten years. Chuck was raised in a restaurant family and grew up knowing the trade. It was his lifelong dream to open either a B&B or a Chicago Style Sandwich Shop. He has recently decided to retire from the San Francisco Police Department and follow his dream here on the Russian River. This Friday 12/4/14 Chuck will watch as his dream comes true during the opening of the 3 Alarm Grill! I met both Chuck and John and they were very welcoming with a friendly air and a quick smile. Chuck is featured in the video above telling about the restaurant. He and his partner John as well as their manager Kerri would like to formally invite all of you to join them this Friday at the Grand Opening to celebrate their achievement and give life to Chuck's lifelong dream!
The Inside Scoop!
Chuck and John are on the Fire Board here on the Russian River and are active members of this community. In light of that, they have decided on a firehouse theme for their new restaurant. The building itself has been painted fire engine red and firehouse memorabilia laces the inside of the building giving it an exciting feel. In order to remain a family establishment, the 3 Alarm Grill has decided to sell only beer and wine. This will allow for a more welcoming environment for people looking to try one of their specialties. The restaurant will be open seven days a week for lunch from 11-4 and Dinner Thursday through Monday 4-9. The Russian River is primarily a vacation town. People buy vacation rentals and visit when they want then rent out their homes when they are not in use in order to generate income.Vacationers throughout the year keep the local economy prospering. With this in mind, I asked the manager Kerri why they had decided to open the restaurant in the down season when vacationers are scarce. She simply said "You can't survive in this town without the support of the locals. By opening now we have time to get feedback from the locals and get all the kinks out before the busy season hits."
3 Alarm Grill Gives Their Impression Of Russian River Living
"When I hear Russian River Living I think of experiencing adventures," says Kerri. "The Russian River is a laid-back, diverse, and welcoming community that is eclectic." Chuck agreed with her saying " the Russian River is an accepting and tolerant community." They both mentioned that Russian River Living is "all about the beautiful outdoors and the natural beauty that surrounds us. A place where hiking and kayaking are the best past time and the touch of city sophistication is what makes it feel like home."
Your Local Guerneville Real Estate Agent
My name is David R. Millar and I live and work on the Russian River. I have been selling real estate for quite some time. I have an office on Armstrong Woods road and I am an active member of this community. I would just like to say welcome to our newest arrivals. I wish you the best of luck in achieving your dreams here in Guerneville. The market is holding steady and homes are getting snatched up left and right. Inventory is low and there are a lot of people looking to buy a Russian River Vacation Rental. If you have been thinking about investing in this area, give me a call 707-217-1786. I will help you find a home where you can achieve your dreams on the Russian River. Again I am David R. Millar BRE#01354778 and I am here to find you Your Home in Paradise!